We've all heard that phrase said time and time again. Today, I'm earning that virtuosity! It happens to be one of those times in my life where I've been waiting for something wonderful to happen and I find myself waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting...... I keep telling people I'm in a "holding pattern", "waiting on the green light" before I can celebrate and start to take in a new way of life.
I'm trying to remain patient today, but it's taking quite a bit of effort! "Patience" is not something that comes naturally. People aren't BORN patient. Any mother knows this fact all too well (just think of hungry babies, wild toddlers, anxious kids...)! We all have the "patience potential" inside us, it's like a little seed. We just have to nurture it for it to grow. So, today, I'm "growing" more and more patient.
With that, I'll leave you with a verse that I love.
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Romans 12:12
ah patients.....I need to learn how to be more patient. Thank you for the words of wisdom.